Health & Lifestyle

Wholesome Pure Food

We pride all of the food grown with our systems to be Better Than Organic. What is organic food? Organic food is grown without the use of synthetic chemicals, such as human-made pesticides and petroleum-derived fertilizer, and doesn't contain GMO's. Organic foods are a great way to avoid harmful chemicals and help the environment. While organic foods are a step in the right direction, even more can be done by completely removing the need for pesticides-- pesticides aren't needed with our systems because biodiversity 

Fruits and vegetables can be harvested at their peak of ripeness when grown at home.

Regenerative Water Use

Water is a precious resource that must be used wisely here in California. 

All water is used twice in our systems. Do you water your plants from your tap water? That water is only getting one use; it ends up directly in the ground. By using the water twice, the water can be used more efficiently. 

Tap water, which has chlorine, actually suppresses the beneficial microbes in the soil, and lacks the essential nutrients for plant growth and survival. All our systems take the chemically sterile water and make it biologically active. With our regenerative systems, water is transformed to be most beneficial for plants with biologically accessible fertilizer and nutrients.

Clear Mind Clear Air

Everyone deserves the right to breath clean air. Pollutants are found everywhere in our world but we can take action to help improve the air quality where we live. Having a clean surrounding environment, such as a self-cleaning chicken coop and self-cleaning dog run, can help focus your mind on living a healthy lifestyle enjoying your surroundings. An abundance of plants is not only beautiful, but they are highly effective at removing toxins that we would otherwise breath in. Why spend your time worrying about the pollutants in your immediate environment when you can solve the problem with environmental, sustainable, and cost-effective solutions. Cleaner air means greater mental wellness and gives us the capacity to fully enjoy the world we live in. 
